Posts tagged with Swagger

Featured image for "Using CSRF with Springfox"

Using CSRF with Springfox

When using Springfox with CSRF, some issues may arise. In this tutorial I'll show you how you can solve these.

Featured image for "Building microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM"

Building microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM

In this tutorial, I'll build a microservice from scratch with Micronaut.

Featured image for "Generating documentation for your REST API with Spring and Swagger"

Generating documentation for your REST API with Spring and Swagger

With Springfox, we can generate documentation for REST APIs written in Spring. In this article, I'll use some Maven plugins to make this offline available.

Featured image for "Exploring contract first options with Swagger"

Exploring contract first options with Swagger

In the great world of SOA we know something like "contract first development", in which we initially describe the web service (using WSDL) and later on implement the service based on that definition. In this article I will explore the options we have with Swagger and Springfox.

Featured image for "Documenting your REST API with Swagger and Springfox"

Documenting your REST API with Swagger and Springfox

REST services are pretty great to allow reuse of your operations, however, to become reusable, you'll have to properly document the available endpoints in your REST API. A popular standard, that is used for this, is Swagger.